Environmental and Energy Business Resources
...everything environmental and energy...
Corona Virus - COVID-19
Here are some practices that can keep us safe from Coronavirus, COVID19 as advised by medical personnelles:
Hand Washing: Wash your hands with soap and water every 20 minutes or if you have hand sanitizer use it.
Social Distancing: Keep distances between yourself and others – 1 to 2 meters distance advised.
Social Distancing: Avoid large gatherings such as parties, churches and mosques for now.
Social Distancing: Avoid handshakes and other forms of scoial touches for now
Hydration: Drink sufficient amounts of warm and clean water regularly. If you can, add some lemon/lime to your water each time. Lemon/line gives your body some dosage of vitamin C which helps to increase your immunity to COVID19 and other related infections
Food and Fruits: Eat lots of Vitamin C containing fruits – oranges, lemon/lime (osan wewe)… Whatever increases the vitamin C level in your body will increase your immunity level towards most infections.
Metal Surfaces: Avoid touching metallic surfaces such as hand rails, door handles of public places
COVID-19 fake news: Avoid fake news on Corona Virus. Fake news breeds fear into you and could potentially psychologically lower your immunity level. Please Double-check whatever information you come across on COVID-19 with the information on the website of the World health Organization, WHO.
Here is a link to WHO's web page on COVID-19, Advice for public
Ten sure ways to save on your home energy bill and help reduce global warming
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