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Climate Change, Global Warming and Extreme Weather
"I believe there is a change in weather and I think it changes both ways". “Don’t forget it used to be called global warming. That wasn’t working. Then it was called climate change. Now it’s actually called extreme weather, because with extreme weather, you can’t miss.” - Donald Trump.
Environbusiness would like to educate the President and others like him on the differences between weather, climate change and global warming.
First, the difference between weather and climate:
Weather is the state or condition of the atmosphere at a given time and place, measured in terms of the atmospheric variables (i.e. temperature, humidity, air pressure, moisture, wind, cloudiness, precipitation (rainfall and snow) and sunshine). Weather changes from hour-to-hour, day-to-day, and season-to-season. The changes in weather occur with the movement of air over the earth surface and the resultant redistribution of heat and moisture.
Climate , on the other hand, is the average and/or the extremes (minimum and maximum) of the atmospheric variables over a time period (a decade or longer) for a given location. It is an established pattern of the values of the atmospheric variables, which has been derived from several years of collecting weather information at the target location. As mentioned earlier, weather changes rapidly (hourly or daily basis) but past data records were used to estimate the climate of a particular location for a time period (a decade or longer). To easily remember the difference between weather and climate, it is good to consider climate is the expected, while weather is what you get.
So, President Trump statement that I believe it changes both ways is applicable to weather. Weather can vary up or down within a temporary space of time. However climate pattern can be established over a region and a space of time. While weather fluctuates from place to place and time to time, the climate of the planet has been on the increase since the start of the industrial revolution.
Next the difference between Global warming and Climate Change. Global warming is cuased by the gradual warming of the planet as a result of the release of greenhouse gases (GHGs)caused by human industrial activities. The cloud of the green house gases (Co2, CH4 etc) traps the heat (hence the green house termilogy) that should escape from the earth surface and results in the warming up of the eath surface. Global warming gives rise to climate change which has been evidenced by rising sea levels, greater than average temperatures and so on. See more of the evidences of climate change.
Extreme weather happed in various paths of the world as a result of climate change.
So, Mr President and other people searching for the knowledge on Climate Change like him, Environbusiness.com says "Man generates GHGs that cause Global Warming that leade to Climate Change and ,manifests in so many other ways including extreme weather".
References and other related internal links:
Anthropocentrism - Wikipedia
Environment and Energy Kowledge Database
Ten sure ways to save on your home energy bill and help reduce global warming
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