Environmental and Energy Business Resources
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Environmental Remediation
Environmental Remediation
The pollution of the three (3) main components of our environment (air, water and land) was covered in Environmental Pollution. Environmental Remediation (this section) will attempt to provide solutions for the clean up of the 3 environmental components.
Cleaning our Air Environment
Clean Air is mainly achieved through Acts and regulations. The laws specify the acceptable levels of emissions from vehicles and equipment releasing emissions to the atmosphere. For more details, visit our Clean Air section.
Remediation of Polluted Water
Polluted water bodies are remediated using a combination of certain technologies and provisions of Government or local authority developed Acts and Regulation. The technologies are used to reduce contamination of the water to certain levels pre-specified in the laws or guidelines.For more details, please visit our section on Remediation of Contaminated Water.
Remediation of Contaminated Lands
Similar to air and water, contaminated sites are cleaned up following certain technologies and some pre-specified acceptable contaminant levels developed through Acts, regulations or guidelines. The technology adopted is determined by the nature and the quantity of the contamination on the land. For more details, please visit our section on Remediation of Contaminated Sites.
Ten sure ways to save on your home energy bill and help reduce global warming
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