Environmental and Energy Business Resources
...everything environmental and energy...
Biofuels companies, researchers and manufacturers
The list of some of the companies that do research or manufacture liquid biofuels (alcohols- ethanol, methanol, butanol; biodiesels) from all sources (algae, crops, cellulosic materials and energy crops) are as follows:
Solazyme - A synthetic biology company working in the algal biodiesel, industrial chemical, and specialty ingredient markets.
Poet - A US company that claims to be the World’s largest producer of ethanol
Iogen - Biotechnology company, involved in the manufacture of industrial enzymes for the pulp and paper, textile and animal feed industry.
Joule Biotechnologies - Produces liquid biofuel from Sun
Codexis - creates "super enzymes" that can lead to commercial scale solutions.
Renewable Energy Group - A biodiesel manufacturing company
Balboa Pacific Corporation - Waste to Energy Conversion company
Verenium - Working to produce cellulosic ethanol from items such as sugarcane bagasse, agricultural waste, and wood products.
Praj Industries - a global Indian company that offers innovative solutions to significantly add value in bio-ethanol, bio-diesel, brewery plants and process equipment & systems for customers, worldwide.
Neste Oil - An independent top-tier base oil supplier, offering optimized technical solutions to the global lubricant manufacturing industry.
Cobalt Biofuels - Cobalt Technologies is a leading developer of innovative technologies that enable the next generation of biofuels.
OriginOIl - developing technology that will transform algae, into a true competitor to petroleum.
Valero Energy Corporation - A Fortune 500 company based in San Antonio. Refines and market petroleum and runs ethanol processing plants.
EdeniQ- Delivering clean, affordable Cellulosic biofuels
PetroAlgae- A Florida-based leading renewable energy company.
Bionavitas - Innovations for efficient growth of Algae for biofuels, neutraceuticals and environmental remediation.
Ensyn -Ensyn is the world leader in the production of bio-oil produced from pyrolysis of renewable feedstocks.
Ten sure ways to save on your home energy bill and help reduce global warming
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