Environmental and Energy Business Resources
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Natural Gas
- Natural Gas is a gaseous fossil fuel, formed similarly to other fossil fuels though the decomposition of plants and animals remains to form organic matter several years ago. The organic matter, over years have been overlain by soil and rocks and has undergone several transformations through pressure and heat to form fossil fuel substances such as coal, oil (petroleum), and natural gas.
Natural gas is the gaseous releases from the decomposing organic matter. It is trapped in-between the spaces in the coal and can be extracted through pipes to the surface to provide energy required to generate electricity, provide heating and cooling at homes and industries, power manufacturing companies, used as fuels in cars and in the manufacturing of several products (watch the video: Facts about Natural Gas below).
Natural gas is mainly methane (CH4), while still in the ground with some other impurities. It is purified after extraction to give natural gas that is used in meeting the earlier identified energy needs. It could be sourced on land and offshore by drilling. Drilling is preceded by exploration to identify the potential natural gas deposits.
After abstraction, natural gas is cleansed at a gas processing plant to remove the "by-products" usually propane and butane. Because natural gas is colorless, odourless and tasteless, Mercaptan (a chemical that has a sulphur like odour) is added before distribution, to give it a distinct unpleasant odour (smells like rotten eggs). This serves as a safety device by allowing it to be detected in the atmosphere, in cases where leaks occur.
Is Natural Gas Renewable?
Natural Gas energy is not a renewable energy resource because it was formed over millions of years (according to scientists) and it requires million of years to be replenished.
It, however, provides a better alternative to other fossil fuels such as coal and oil. Natural gas burns more cleanly and produces less greenhouse gases. It has only one carbon atom as in CH4.
There are concerns about natural gas leaking during production, transportation or storage. Best industrial practices and new technologies are being developed in the industry to ensure minimal or no leaks of natural to the environment.
Uses of Natural Gas
- Provides energy to run electrical power plants. Similar to coal and crude oil, and indeed most power plants including Nuclear, hydroelectricity natural gas is burn to produce the heat that heats generating steam used to run a turbine connected to the generator that produces electricity;
- Provides heating and cooling at homes and industries;
- Powers manufacturing companies;
- used as fuels in cars and in the manufacturing of several products.
Alternative Energy Source to Natural Gas
If natural gas is not renewable, what is the alternative energy source? Modern day technology uses digesters to transform organic material such as plants and animal wastes into a gas very similar to natural gas. The gas so formed by this process is called BIOGAS. Biogas has similar composition as Natural Gas. Biogas is renewable because it can be easily replenished using living or recently dead plant and animal remains. Readers are advised to go to the biogas page for more details.
Ten sure ways to save on your home energy bill and help reduce global warming
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