Environmental and Energy Business Resources
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Ethanol Making Materials or Feedstock
Biological Ethanol is made from the fermentation of sugar. Ethanol could be made directly from sugar or from any any carbohydrate containing substance (e.g. cereal grains). In the case of the later the substance will first be converted into sugar and the resulting sugar fermented into Ethanol.
New technologies are extracting sugar for Ethanol from cellulosic or woody substances. This is a good development that is capable of reducing the dependency on food crops for ethanol production.
Some of the feedstock for making ethanol are listed below.:
Direct Sugar sources:
- Sugar beets;
- Sugarcane;
- Fruits (e.g. apple);
- Molasses;
The cost of Ethanol production from sugar sources is the lowest as the process does not require any milling but grinding and squeezing.
Higher Carbonhydrates / Starch foods
- Cereal grains:- corn, wheat, rye, barley, sorghum, rice, etc.;
- Cassava;
- Potatoes;
- High-starch vegetables.;
Food Garbage rich in sugar substances or starch foods could be recycled, in some cases, to produce ethanol.
Cellulosic or woody materials.
- Energy Crops - Switchgrass, Poplars and Willows, Hemp;
- Wood & wood wastes;
- Sawmill residues;
- Agricultural residues - e.g. corncob;
- Forest thinning e.g. straw, grass clippings,;
Ethanol from Cellulose requires strong acid to break down the materials to wood sugars. The energy crops can be cultivated in large quantities to meet ethanol production needs. They could be genetically modified.
Other relevant links:
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